Hawaii Chapter 2010 Summer Meeting First Announcement
August 7, 2010 The Queen's Medical Center Queen's Conference Center
Agenda [Hardcopy]
Effective July 31, 2010:
Meeting Chair: Nancy L. Furumoto, MD, FACS, Hawaii Chapter, ACS President
LaMar McGinnis, MD, FACS, President, The American College of Surgeons
Presentation: Healthcare Reform from Legislation to Law to Implementation - A Journey Just Begun
Robert Marvit, MD, President, The Hawaii Medical Association
Presentation: The Impact of Healthcare Legislation: The AMA Perspective
Eric Matayoshi, MD, FACS, Past-President, Hawaii Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and Chief, General Surgery Department - Kaiser Permanente/Moanalua Medical Center
Presentation: Options for the Future Specialist - Is This Really a New Paradigm
Residents: Research Competition Finals [Information]
Chapter Business Meeting
Venue: The Queen's Medical Center, Queen's Conference Center: The Queen’s Conference Center is located at the corner of Beretania and Punchbowl on the Queen’s Campus. It is adjacent to the Hawaii Medical Library.
Attendees can park at Queen’s POB 1, POB 2 or the Miller Lot and be provided with a $5.00 validation [bring your parking ticket to the registration desk]. For a map of the Queen’s campus, with Conference Center and Parking Lots highlighted Click Here
[Please do not park in POB 3].
The Conference Center doors will open just prior to 7:00 a.m.; Breakfast will be served, we’ll also have a mid-morning food service.
Thank you for your support and your participation. We look forward to a great meeting!
Summary of the 2007 Summer Travel Meeting
Summary of the 2006 Summer Travel Meeting
Summary of the 2005 Summer Travel Meeting
Summary of the 2004 Summer Travel Meeting
