The Hawaii Chapter Resident Research Competition
Upcoming Competition: August 7, 2010
Residents from all University and Tripler programs have been invited to submit abstracts. Drs. Takanishi and Kellicut (University of Hawaii and Tripler AMC respectively) sent out letters of invitation in early-July. The papers determined to be the top three will be presented at the Hawaii Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Summer Meeting on August 7, 2010.
As in years past, the papers are judged by FACS in attendance and cash prizes are awarded for all three papers presented. Papers must be received at the University of Hawaii Department of Surgery offices by July 16, 2010.
These papers will then be presented at the ACS Hawaii Chapter Summer Meeting for cash prizes.
Click here to download the letter of invitation. This letter spells out eligibility, requirements, abstract content requirements and critical dates.
Please explore the many Resident Research pages available on this website. Abstracts for the past several years of competition are available.

Previous Resident Research Competitions
Use the hyperlinks below for a summary of previous Resident Research Competitions, including abstracts.
