Chapter News and Announcements
2014 Hawaii Chapter Summer Meeting: 2014 Oncology Update
The Chapter held our 2014 Summer Meeting at the State-of-the-Art Queen's Conference Center on the campus of The Queen's Medical Center on August 23, 2014. The keynote speakers were: ACS Commission on Cancer Chair Daniel P. McKellar, M.D., FACS; Charles J. Rosser, M.D., Ph.D., FACS, Program Director for the Clinical and Translational Research Program of the University of Hawaii Cancer Center (a NCI designated cancer center); and Eric Z. Matayoshi, M.D., FACS, Hawaii Chapter Governor. Dr. McKellar spoke on: Commission on Cancer Overview and Initiatives, Improving the Quality of Cancer Care. Dr. Rosser presented an update on Clinical and Translational Research at the UH Cancer Center and Dr. Matayoshi provided an update on the development of Accountable Care Organizations. Michael Hayashi, M.D., FACS and Richard Smith, M.D., FACS provided State Trauma Committee and State Commision on Cancer briefings respectively. Danny M. Takanishi, Jr., M.D., FACS (Chapter President) presided over the Resident Research Competition. The Hawaii Chapter conducted a business meeting with Chapter President Danny M. Takanishi, Jr., M.D., FACS, presiding. Prior to adjournment the Chapter initiated new Officers. The following FACS are the Chapter Officers for the next two years: Kathy L. Mah, M.D., FACS (President); Mark Grief, M.D., FACS (President-Elect Vice-President); and Rebecca Sawai, M.D., FACS (Secretary/Treasurer). 2014 Meeting (includes Agenda, Information, Resident Research Competition Results.

Pictured (Left to Right): Daniel McKellar, MD, FACS, Joy Sarkar, MD, PGY-4 Surgical Resident, Tripler Army Medical Center Program, Megan Kuba, MD, PGY-3 Orthopaedic Surgery Resident, University of Hawaii Program, John Dupaix, MD, PGY-2 Orthopaedic Surgery Resident, University of Hawaii Program, Christopher Loo, MD, PHD, PGY-2 Surgical Resident, University of Hawaii Program and Paul Wetstein, MD, PGY-3 Surgical Resident, Tripler Army Medical Center Program.
2012 Chapter Meeting*: Surgical Quality Improvement In the Era of Public Reporting
The Hawaii Chapter of the ACS and The Queen's Medical Center will co-sponsor the 2012 meeting on Saturday, August 11, 2012 from 7:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. at The Queen's Conference Center
Our keynote speakers will be Patricia Numann, M.D., FACS, President of the American College of Surgeons and E. Patchen Dellinger, M.D., FACS Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington. Dr. Numann will address Surgical Quality Improvement in the Era of Public
Reporting: What You Need to Know and Dr. Dellinger will speak on The Power of NSQIP to Achieve High-Quality &
Effective Surgical Care for Our Patients: Colorectal
Surgery as an Example and Pearls and Pitfalls of Setting up a Surgical Quality
Improvement Program. A substantial portion of the conference will be dedicated to a panel session on the NSQIP experience in Hawaii. Representatives from The Queen's Medical Center (Whitney Limm, M.D., FACS), Kaiser Permanente (Mark Izawa, M.D., FACS) Hawaii Pacific Health (Russell Woo, M.D., FACS), and Tripler Army Medical Center (TBD). Eric Matayoshi, M.D., FACS will moderate the panel session. Della Lin, M.D. of The Queen's Medical Center will present What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail? and closing remarks and future direction will be provided by Danny M. Takanishi, M.D.,Jr., FACS.
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential
Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
(ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of The Queens Medical Center and the
American College of Surgeons, Hawaii Chapter. The Queens Medical Center is
accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The Queens Medical Center designates this live activity for a maximum of
4.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should claim only the credit
commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
For more information, please contact the Hawaii Chapter Administrator (Gary Belcher 808-586-8234 or or the Queen's Office of CME, (808-691-7009 or Download the Registration Form 510k.
Cross-Cultural Health Care Conference III: Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Interventions
The Hawaii Chapter of the American College of Surgeons will serve as a co-sponsor of the Cross Cultural Health Care Conference to be held February 8-9, 2013 at the Ala Moana Hotel. Link to Meeting Website.
2010 Hawaii Chapter Summer Meeting: August 7, 2010
The Impact of Healthcare Legislation
Our keynote speaker was LaMar McGinnis, MD, FACS who is the current President of the American College of Surgeons. We also had Robert Marvit, MD, current President of The Hawaii Medical Association, and our Hawaii Chapter past-President Eric Matayoshi, MD, FACS all addressing THE IMPACT OF HEALTHCARE LEGISLATION from various perspectives (National, Local, College, AMA, other Health Care Delivery Models).
The format was Lecture/Panel and in addition to all Chapter members, we invited select residents and members of the JABSOM Surgical Interest Group (SIG). The Chapter has been and continues to support the SIG efforts to generate interest in Surgery amongst the current group of medical students at the University of Hawaii.
The Chapter held its RESIDENCY RESEARCH COMPETITION as we have in past years with participation from all local residency programs. All FACS present (including Dr. McGinnis) voted on the papers and the results (and abstracts) are posted here.
The Hawaii Chapter conducted a business meeting with Chapter President Nancy Furumoto, M.D., FACS presiding. Prior to adjournment the Chapter initiated new Officers. The following FACS are the Chapter Officers for the next two years: Danny M. Takanishi, Jr., M.D., FACS (President); LTC Ronald Gagliano, M.D., FACS (President-Elect Vice-President); and Kathy Mah, M.D., FACS (Secretary/Treasurer).
Click here for more details on the 2010 Summer Meeting.
2010 Hawaii Chapter Winter Meeting: Feb 11-12, 2010
Cross-Cultural Health Care Conference: Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Interventions
Link to Meeting Website
Chapter Summer Meeting Held on August 3rd and 4th, 2007
The 2007 summer meeting theme was Oncology: State of the Art, 2007 and Beyond. Our keynote speaker was Frederick Greene, MD, FACS, Chair of the Department of Surgery at Carolinas and National Chair of the Commission on Cancer. We also had presentations by Shim Ching, MD, David S. Shaeffer, MD, and Deborah Ishihara-Wong of the Queen's Medical Center. David Chou, MD was the Charles Judd speaker. Click here for more details.

Chapter Winter Meeting Held on March 6, 2007
The 2007 Winter Meeting was held at the joint venue of Fine Art Hawaii and Vino at Restaurant Row. Chapter members perused the fine art of host Steve Maier. Later in the evening, Master Sommelier Chuck Furuya enhanced a food and wine pairing with his expert comments on the wine selection and wine in general. Forty-six Hawaii Chapter members and guests enjoyed this fine evening. A short business meeting concluded the meeting at which time Chapter President Eric Matayoshi handed over the reins to Nancy Furumoto. See Leadership

CoC Celebrates Outstanding State Chair Performance
Three state chairs, including Danny M. Takanishi, Jr., MD, FACS, were honored for their outstanding performance in 2005 and 2006 during the recent CoC meetings. Nominees were required to meet approved criteria and were selected based on data provided through the State Chair Activity Reports and collected by CoC staff over the last calendar year. [More]

The Hawaii Chapter 2006 Summer Meeting
The 2006 Summer Meeting was held August 11-12, 2006 at the JW Marriott Ihilani Resort and Spa. Keynote speakers were ACS Executive Director Thomas Russell and Harry Sax.

From left to right: Whitney Limm, Hawaii Chapter Past-President, Kenric Murayama, Executive Council, Thomas Russell, ACS Executive Director, Eric Matayoshi, Chapter President, Nancy Furumoto, Chapter President-Elect, Danny Takanishi, Chapter Secretary-Treasurer, Kevin Lye, Resident Research Competition First Place (tie). [Meeting Details]

The Hawaii Chapter 2006 Winter Meeting
The 2006 Winter Meeting was held Wednesday, February 22, 2006 at the Kahala Mandarin Oriental, Waialae Room. Our keynote speaker was Hawaii Congressman Ed Case. [Winter Meeting Details]

The Hawaii Chapter 2005 Summer Meeting

Drs. Andrew Shelton, Eric Matayoshi and Dean Sato interact with the audience after the scientific/clinical portion of the 2005 Hawaii Chapter Summer Meeting. Dr. Shelton spoke on updates in colorectal cancer treatment and separately on capsule endoscopy as a GI diagnostic tool. Dr. Sato addressed the latest in endovascular tools and techniques. Dr. Matayoshi (Hawaii Chapter President) participated in an afternoon panel discussion on the introduction of new technologies into existing health care delivery systems.
Glenn Furuya from Leadershipworks delivered an outstanding presentation on leadership in the OR at the Charles Judd Banquet. Many attendees requested his 5 Factors: Primer for Building a High Performance Team document and he gave permission for those to be available to Hawaii FACS and AORN members. This document is behind the MEMBERS ONLY portion of the ACS Hawaii website. For username and password information please contact us at

2005 Summer Travel Meeting
The Summer Travel Meeting took place August 5-6, 2005 at the JW Marriott Ihilani Resort and Spa.
The meeting theme was Technological Advancements in Surgery. [All Meeting Details, Agenda, Registration Forms, Resident Research Competition, etc.] Updated 8/17/2005

Chapter 2005 Winter Meeting
The Winter Meeting was held on January 19, 2005 at the Kahala Mandarin. Our guest speaker was the internationally
renown Paul Pearsall, MD.
Chapter Bylaws revised for the first time since 1984, were accepted by members in attendance (44).
The Hawaii Chapter leadership is working hard towards acquiring IRS 501 (c) (6) status. Bylaws revision, Charter of Incorporation Restatement
and Amendment, and the filing of numerous IRS forms is required! The 501 (c) (6) designation will allow the Chapter to participate more fully
in legislative activities.
New Chapter officers and their positions are: Eric Matayoshi (President), Nancy Furumoto (VP), Danny Takanishi (Sec/Treasurer).
For more on our keynote speaker, Paul Pearsall, click here
