Hawaii Chapter 2007 Summer Travel Meeting First Announcement
August 3-4, 2007 JW Marriott Ihilani Resort and Spa
August 3: Evening Reception
August 4: Scientific Meeting and Luncheon
Effective June 15, 2007:
Meeting Chair: Nancy L. Furumoto, MD, FACS, Hawaii Chapter, ACS President
Theme: Oncology: State of the Art, 2007 and Beyond
Frederick Greene, MD, FACS, Chair, Department of Surgery, Carolinas
National Chair, Commission on Cancer
Presentation 1: Quality Indicators in Cancer Management - A Commission on Cancer Perspective
Presentation 2: Cancer Staging - 2007 and Beyond
Shim Ching, MD, Fellow-Initiate 2007, Plastic Surgeon, The Queen's Medical Center
Presentation: Current Concepts in Breast Reconstruction
David S. Shaeffer, MD, PGY-4, University of Hawaii Surgical Residency Program
Presentation: Molecular Profiling in Early Diagnosis of Solid Tumors
Deborah Ishihara-Wong, The Queen's Medical Center
Presentation: Patient Navigators: How They Can Help Patients and Surgeons
David Chou, MD, Fellow-Initiate 2007, Urologist, Private Practice
Charles Judd Lecture: Robotic Prostatectomy
Residents: A resident research competition was held [Results]
Andrew Tan, MD, Report on the 2007 ACS Leadership Conference
Chapter Business Meeting
Cancer Liaison Physicians Meeting (follows the scientific meeting, CLPs only)
2007 Summer Meeting: Download the Registration Form
Venue: The Ihilani; The Chapter has contracted a block of rooms for meeting participants. The daily room rate is $329. Please call the Ihilani at 679-0079, ask for room reservations and specify you would like to book your room under the Hawaii Chapter, American College of Surgeons block. Effective July 5, 2007, the rooms we have blocked off are no longer available.
Summary of the 2006 Summer Travel Meeting
Summary of the 2005 Summer Travel Meeting
Summary of the 2004 Summer Travel Meeting
