The Hawaii Chapter Resident Research Competition
The 2010 Resident Research Competition Results
The 2010 Resident Research competition took place at the Hawaii Chapter Summer meeting on August 7, 2010 at The Queen's Medical Center, Queen's Conference Center (Hawaii Historical Site: The Mable Smythe Building). Four papers were selected for presentation at the Chapter meetingand are listed in order of placement. Papers were ranked by FACS present at the meeting, including American College of Surgeons President LaMar McGinnis, MD, FACS:
First Place (Tie) $350 Cash Prize
Incidence of Postoperative Intra-abdominal Abscesses in Open Versus Laparoscopic Appendectomies
Jennifer Asarias, CPT, MC, Tripler Army Medical Center [abstract]
First Place (Tie) $350 Cash Prize
The WRN-encoded RecQ Helicase Acts as a Potential Tumor Suppressor Gene in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Stephen Chun, MD, University of Hawaii Surgical Residency Program [abstract]
Third Place, $200 Cash Prize
Effects of CT Scanning for Abdominal Gunshot Wounds
Timothy Plackett, CPT, MC, Tripler Army Medical Center Surgical Residency Program [abstract]
Fourth Place $100 Cash Prize
Surgical Weight Loss and Co-Morbid Disease Resolution in Ethnically Diverse Populations: Analysis of Outcomes Among Native Hawaiians Undergoing Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Daniel Murariu, MD, MPH, University of Hawaii Surgical Residency Program [abstract]
Please explore the many Resident Research pages available on this website. Abstracts for the past 5 years of competition are available.

Previous Resident Research Competitions
Use the hyperlinks below for a summary of previous Resident Research Competitions, including abstracts.
