About the Hawaii Chapter

Non-Profit Status
The Hawaii Chapter of the American College of Surgeons is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a non-profit corporation in the 501 c (6) category. The Chapter is obliged to comply with all IRS mandates directed toward non-profit entities.

It is the mission of the Hawaii Chapter of the ACS

  • To promote and advance the education, quality, character and integrity of surgeons in Hawaii in their continued efforts to provide superior medical care to the people of Hawaii;
  • To hold itself responsible for and to use its best efforts to maintain the objectives of the American College of Surgeons which are “to elevate the standard of surgery, establish a standard of competency and of character for practitioners of surgery, to provide a method of granting fellowship in the organization, and to educate the public and the profession to understand that the practice of surgery calls for special training and that the surgeon elected to fellowship in this College has had such training and is properly qualified to practice surgery”;
  • To welcome new Fellows of the American College of Surgeons into the Chapter and develop better acquaintanceship with local Fellows and with the objectives of the American College of Surgeons;
  • To stimulate interest in the Candidate Groups among surgical residents and young surgeons;
  • To assist in providing the residents of Hawaii with surgical and hospital facilities of the highest ethical and professional standards.

The Hawaii Chapter was established in 1943 under the guidance of Grover A. Battan. The chapter first received a charter in 1952. The first chapter officers were: Steele F. Stewart, President; Ralph Cloward, Vice-President; and F.J. Pinkerton, Secretary Treasurer. The first Councillors were L.G. Phillips, Tadao Hata and Wah Kai Chang. The Hawaii Chapter applied for and was granted its State of Hawaii, non-profit incorporation in 1984. Robert Oishi, Dean Schamber and Douglas Soderdahl were instrumental in this effort.

The Hawaii Chapter Bylaws and Charter of Incorporation have undergone revision and amendment per chapter member vote. The full Bylaws, are available in the Members Only section of this website. Contact us for a username and password if you would like access.